ü ADHà 腎的V2à distal
tubule and collecting ductàfree water retention and dilutional hyponatremiaà elevated urine osmolality in the setting of a low plasma osmolality
※ Essential diagnostic criteria:
ü Plasma osmolality <275 mOsm/kg
ü Urine osmolality >100 mOsm/kg and urine Na >20 to 40mEq/L
ü Euvolemia
ü Normal renal, adrenal, and thyroid function tests
ü No recent use of diuretic agents
※ Euvolemic hypotonic hyponatremia:
ü The most common cause of euvolemic hypotonic hyponatremia is SIADH.
ü Characterized by low to normal total body sodium and normal to elevated
total body water.
² Hypothyroidismà dysregulation of ADH release or clearance, effects on vascular
tone, cardiac output, and renal blood flow
² Adrenal insufficiencyà caused by
the loss of negative feedback on ADH secretion
² Primary polydipsia
² Potomania
² Thiazide diuretics
² Reset osmostat syndromeà shift in the
set-point for ADH
² Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresisà mutations in the renal vasopressin V2 receptor causing increased
water resorption,表現同SIADH但ADH測不到
ü SIADH is usually self-limited, and the primary management strategy
is to correct the underlying etiology.
ü Loop diureticsà增加free water 排出、讓腎對ADH反應下降àenhance
the effect of solute loading
ü Demeclocycline acts on the renal collecting tubules to diminish
responsiveness to ADH. The major side effect is nephrotoxicity.
ü Vasopressin receptor antagonists exert their activity on renal V2
receptors resulting in a selective water diuresis without affecting sodium