~A Boy Always Young~

2015年8月7日 星期五

Three comdined pituitary function test

test for growth hormone deficiency
TRH test, LH-RH test, Insulin tolerance test

1. midnight NPO
2. On 20 號 medicut + 3 way, 接N/S(500ml) keep open (勿接IV lock)
3. Bed rest
4. 備血糖機及2amp 50% GW(for hypoglycemia with loss of conscious)
5. 8AM抽血
    ==> GH,  IGF-1,  TSH,  free T4,  LH,  FSH, PRL
           testosterone, E2,  ACTH, Cortisol,  plasma sugar
6. HRI        0.2 u/kg  iv push
    TRH       0.5 mg  iv push  30秒
    LH-RH   100 ug (0.1mg) iv push
7. 8點開始test後,第15' 30' 45' 60' 90' 120'分鐘時
   用血糖機測finger sugar
   同時要抽血測GH,  TSH,  LH,  FSH,  plasma sugar, Cortisol
8. check CBC/DC, Iron, TIBC, Ferritin, PLT, BUN,  Cr,  Na,  K
9. CXR
10. 請家屬幫忙準備含糖食物或飲料(果汁, 豆奶或糖果等)

1. TRH test==>注射TRH30'後,TSH應上升6以上,或大於2倍baseline值
2. LH-RH test==>LH在30' or 60'後上升4~6倍。FSH可能會上升一倍。
3. Insulin tolerance test==>GH在45'~60'後應至少上升7ng/mL(通常都10~20)。Cortisol通常會上升一倍。
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Test for primary aldosteronism

#  hypertension and hypokalemia are controlled
#  avoiding spironolactone and eplerenone

A. Oral sodium loading
<<Oral sodium loading test>>
1. 抽Aldosterone and Renin activity
2. 請病人每天吃鹽6 g,吃兩天
3. 第三天開始留24-hr尿,檢測urine aldosterone, Na/K, Cr.
4. Urine aldosterone excretion >12 to 14 mcg/24 hrs-->確診
5. Urinary excretion of sodium >200 mEq/day-->adequet sample

B. Intravenous sodium loading test (ABAYSALIN)
<<Saline infusion test>>
1. 請病人平躺
2. stat 抽Aldosterone and Renin activity before N/S hydration
3. N/S 2L run 4hr
4. 抽 Aldosterone and renin activity after N/S hydration
5. On EKG monitor, check BP and HR Q15 mins during test
6. If patient complained of SOB, chest discomfort, headache, etc...
    ==> please call Dr to see if the test should be stoped.
7. test 後PAC >10 ng/dL --> 確診,PAC <5 ng/dL --> 排除

C. Captopril challenge test
<<Captopril challenge test>>
1. 請病人至少維持坐立或站立一小時再開始test,直到結束
2. Captopril 25–50 mg PO
3. 服藥後1hr, 2hr各抽一次PRA, Aldosterone, Cortisol
4. Aldosterone >15ng/dl --> 確診

The use of the fludrocortisone suppression test is limited
The captopril suppression test is less standardized alternative if sodium loading is
contraindicated as in heart or renal failure.
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2015年8月6日 星期四


ü  低鈣àPTH釋放àbone resorption, calcium reabsorption in the kidney, and increased production of activated vitamin D in the kidneyà升鈣
ü  PTH-mediated bone resorption is mediated by the RANKRANK ligand-OPG system.
ü  Hypercalcemia is an elevation of free, ionized calcium in the serum.
ü  Levels <12 mg/dL are asymptomatic; levels >15 mg/dL may cause severe symptoms. Rapidly progressing hypercalcemia is more likely to be symptomatic.
ü  The two most common causes of hypercalcemia: primary hyperparathyroidism and malignancy.
ü  原因:
²  increased bone resorption
Ø  PTH: 80%adenoma,還有hyperplasia, carcinoma, MEN
Ø  CKD: 因為鈣低、Vit-D缺乏à2nd hyperparathyroidismàtertiary
Ø  Malignancy:
u  PTHrP: primarily in squamous cell carcinomas, can also be seen in cancers of the kidney, ovary, and bladder. It is a frequent complication in lymphomas associated with HTLV-1.
u  Cancers with extensive skeletal metastases (multiple myeloma, breast cancer): release of cytokines (TGF-b, IL-1, IL-6, and macrophage inflammatory protein-1α) leads to osteoclast differentiation and inhibition of osteoblasts.
u  Ectopic: carcinomas of the lung, thymus, ovary, and undifferentiated neuroendocrine tumors
u  lymphoma and some ovarian dysgerminomas: increasing 1-hydroxylation of vitamin Dà higher 1,25-OH-vitamin D àincreased calcium absorption
Ø  Thyrotoxicosis: increased bone turnover
Ø  Excessive intake of vitamin A (>50,000 to 100,000 IU daily): IL-6增加
Ø  Prolonged immobilization
²  Vitamin D-dependent mechanisms
Ø  Chronic ingestion of more than 50,000 to 100,000 IU/day of ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) or cholecalciferol (vitamin D3)
Ø  Excessive or accidental ingestion of 1,25(OH)2D (calcitriol)àshould resolve within days.
Ø  Granulomatous: conversion of 25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)2D by macrophages
²  Milk–alkali syndrome: ingestion of milk or calcium carbonate, in the treatment of dyspepsia or osteoporosis. à associated with metabolic alkalosis and renal insufficiency
²  Other hormonal mechanisms
²  Drugs:
Ø  Thiazide: mild and transient (1 to 2 weeks)
Ø  Lithium: shifts the set point for calcium
Ø  Additional medications: estrogens, growth hormones, ganciclovir, omeprazole, 8-Cl-cAMP chemotherapy, manganese toxicity, foscarnet, hepatitis B vaccination, theophylline
²  Familial hypocalcuric hypercalcemia: 無症狀,heterozygous loss-of-function mutation in the calcium sensing receptoràincreased set point for calcium homeostasisàmildly elevated PTH, hypocalcuria, and hypermagnesemia
²  Miscellaneous other causes: adrenal insufficiency, pheochromocytoma, pancreas islet cell tumors, rhabdomyolysis恢復期, aluminum intoxication(diminished osteoblastic activity and reduced calcium incorporation into the skeleton)

ü  S/S: Neuropsychiatric symptoms, arrhythmia, constipation, polyuria and polydipsia, nephrolithiasis, Skeletal manifestations (osteoporosis or osteitis fibrosa cystica)
ü  先抽iPTH
²  à驗尿鈣: 如果FeCa<1%FHH>1%primary hyperpara

²  à猜惡性、驗Vit-D: 如果1,25OH高猜lymphomagranulomatous,如果25OH高猜Vit-D中毒。如果Vit-D正常猜雜七雜八的東西。
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