GI bleeding: 80%UGIB會自動止血
a. 消化性潰瘍 (胃或十二指腸): 47-79%
b. 胃糜爛: 6-30%
c. 食道靜脈曲張: 8-16%
d. 其他 (食道炎,十二指腸糜爛, Mallory-Weiss裂傷, 腫瘤, 血管病變)
a. 使用 Aspirin, Plavix, Coumadine ,NSAID, 酒精
b. 肝病史,先前食道靜脈曲張出血
c. 潰瘍病史,心窩灼熱, 吞嚥困難, 體重減輕;
d. 腹部主動脈瘤或血管移植術後
Hx taking:
a. 黑、暗紅、鮮紅?
b. PUD with bleeding, cirrhosis, EV bleeding
c. NSAIDs, Aspirin, Plavix, Coumadin
d. Uremia, heart failure, COPD
a. CBC/DC、platelet、PT、PTT
b. Hemodynamic evaluation, Digital examination
Treatment for Active UGI bleeding:
Volume expansion à arrange PES à Nexium 2 vials ( 80 mg ) IVB 20~30 minutes st à Continuous iv infusion (8 mg/hr) × 3 days (4~5 vials/day) à if no active bleeding sign à 1 vial Q12h
※90~95%的 re-bleeding,都在 3天內發生,所以用3天
※ pH > 4 is a critical threshold for gastric pepsin activity,pH > 6 is needed to maintain platelet aggregation,所以用Losec or Nexium
a. Liver cirrhosis, EV bleeding history
b. HBV or HCV without regular F/U
c. Heavy alcoholism
d. Thrombocytopenia
e. PT prolong (INR>1.3~1.5)
f. U/A Bil > (+) à jaundice
g. Leg edema, Ascites, spider nevus
Liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension 導致 EV or GV bleeding:
a. Glypressin 2 vials iv bolus st à 1 vial Q4~6 hrs
b. Volume expansion, blood transfusion , PES , iv Antibiotics
Ciproxin 2Amp st & Q12 hrs 或者
Cefamezine 1 vial iv st & Q 6-8 hrs 加上
Augmentin 1-2 vials iv st & Q 6-8 hrs
Ciproxin 2Amp st & Q12 hrs 或者
Cefamezine 1 vial iv st & Q 6-8 hrs 加上
Augmentin 1-2 vials iv st & Q 6-8 hrs
a. Platelet < 8萬,有bleeding sign
b. PT(INR) 1.3~ 1.5,有bleeding sign
c. PTT > 1.5~2 x,有bleeding sign
d. 目標 : Hb 以 8.0為原則
※Uremia 患者 platelet dysfunction,不要只顧platelet count,應測bleeding time。
a. DDx:UGI or LGI bleedingàDx rate:85%,+ N/S 200-500cc lavage and aspiration可達85-90%
b. 評估出血速度或開刀之可能性,但可能因 NG kinking 而誤判
c. Tx:Decompression, avoid aspiration(須保持NG暢通)
a. EV bleeding,尤其 post-EVL
b. Dx for PPU(打Air for standing CXR)
※NG tube lavage乾淨代表胃無急性出血或幽門緊閉,約18% UGI Bleeding 沖洗時無血液內容物,非血液內容且含膽汁之抽取物,仍無法排除上消化道出血
PES禁忌:unstable Airway, poor cooperation, Peritonitis, R/O PPU
Active bleeding signà need therapeutic endoscopy intervention
a. Spurting (or pulsation bleeding): continuous bleeding rate 80~100 %
b. Non-bleeding visible vessel (NBVV): visible vessel with bloody clots (vessel exposure, but no active bleeding sign) Re-bleeding rate 40~50 %
c. Oozing ulcerative base without visible vessel: continuous bleeding rate 30 %
d. Adherent clot : Bloody clots (dark/fresh) without visible vessel Re-bleeding rate 25 %
SRH (Stigmata of recent hemorrhage)à keep observation
a. Visible vessel only ( clean base , no oozing ): Rebleeding rate 15 ~ 20 %
b. Hematin/dark bloody base( no visible vessel), Flat, pigmented spot: Rebleeding rate 10%
Simple ulcer: Near no rebleeding