l General: body weight change, weakness, fatigue, fever, chills
l Skin: rashes, lumps, sores, itching, dryness, color change, change in hair or nails
l Head: headache, head injury
l Eye: vision, glasses or contact lenses, pain, redness, excessive tearing, double vision, glaucoma cataracts
l Nose and sinuses: frequent colds, nasal stuffiness, discharge, itching hay fever, nose bleeds, sinus trouble
l Neck: lumps in the neck, swollen glands, goiter, pain or stiffness
l Breast: lumps, pain or discomfort, nipple discharge, self-exam
l Cardiovascular: chest pain, high blood pressure, rheumatic fever, heart murmurs, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, edema
l Respiratory system: cough, sputum, hemoptysis, wheezing, asthma, bronchitis, ephysema, pneumonia, Tuberculosis, pleurisy
l Endocrine: thyroid trouble, heart or cold intolerance, excessive sweating, diabetes, excessive thirst or hunger, polyuria
l Hematologic: anemia, ease bruising or bleeding, post transfusions, possible reaction
l Lympahtic: lymphadenopathy: location: size: character:
l Gastrointestinal: trouble swallowing , heat burn , appetite , nausea , vomiting , regurgitation , vomiting of blood , indigestion , color and size of stools , change in bowel habits , rectal bleeding or a tarry stools , hemorrhoids , constipation , diarrhea , abdominal pain , food intolerance , hepatitis , jaundice , liver or gallbladder disease , excessive belching or passing of gas
l Genitourinary: frequent of urination , polyuria , nocturia , burning or pain on urination , hematuria , urgency , reduced caliber or force of the urinary stream , hesitancy , incontinence , urinary infection , stones
l Musculoskeletal: muscle or joint pain , stiffness , arthritis , gout , backache
l Rheumatologic: hair loss , malar rash , discoid rash , oral ulcer , athralgia , dry eye , dry mouth
l Neurologic: consciousness change , fainting , blackouts , seizures , weakness , paralysis . numbness , tingling , tremors or other involuntary movements.
l Psychiatric: nervousness , tension , mood change including depression , memory loss , auditory hallucination , visual hallucination , involuntary movement